Passing Down Crazy

Because Sometimes the Best Thing You Can Give Your Kid is an Addiction…To Yarn


The Gift

I entered a contest about a week ago.  There were 636 entries.

I won!!!

Pertinent information was exchanged and on Saturday, after being out and about for the morning, I came back home to this!

You want to touch it, don’t you?

Let me tell you about the contest.  Anne Hanson of knitspot has a new pattern called Budding Apple in the latest Twist Collective.   The yarn she used was from Kollage yarns, so she got together with Erica, the VP of Marketing & Social Networking at Kollage, and they put together a wonderful kit for the contest that included the yarn, pattern, and two sets of needles.  Here’s the whole kit.  (Of course, the piece that is knit was done by me on Sunday!)

The yarn is Creamy by Kollage.  I chose the Almond Beach colorway.  I know it’s awfully sedate for me, but it was the color that “talked” to me when I looked at the color choices.  Yes, I was able to choose whatever color I wanted as well.

The other thing that was cool about this contest is that I met both Anne and Erica at Sock Camp last year.  I’ve been a fan of Anne’s patterns for a long time!  When I looked at my Ravelry project page, I found that I’ve knit 7 of Anne’s patterns and have three more in process.  I’m finally knitting one in a color that won’t make Anne cringe!  She chooses more sophisticated colors than I do. I just love the little details that make her patterns just perfect!

And Erica…she’s just fun.  I laughed when I got her email and saw her job title; VP of Marketing & Social Networking at Kollage.  I’m thinking she can social network in her sleep.

Take a look at the needles.  Notice anything different?  They’re square!  And I received two sizes, because that’s what the pattern specified.  Erica sent the ones with the firm cables and I like them a lot.

So, here’s the rundown!  The pattern can be found only at Twist Collective.  The yarn and  needles are from Kollage Yarn.  They have a great yarn shop locator on their web site.

I’m totally enjoying this project.  I started it on Sunday afternoon and it was so relaxing.  Anne’s patterns just flow.  And the yarn is smooth and soft and quiet!

But most of all, I think I’m loving this project, because of the connection to two people, Anne and Erica.  I would never have met them if it hadn’t been for knitting.

Isn’t it funny how two (square!) sticks and some string make my world richer and bigger!