Passing Down Crazy

Because Sometimes the Best Thing You Can Give Your Kid is an Addiction…To Yarn

Guess What?


I quilted today.  All day!  Actually, I had the honor of teaching someone how to quilt.

We started by looking at some of my quilts.  We quickly progressed to what she really wanted, which was a Log Cabin quilt for her lake cabin.  From there, we quickly dug through my two scrap drawers.  I’m thinking we came up with at least 75 different fabrics to play with.  I cut a few pieces for her and she had her first block sewn by about 10 AM.  (Yes, she’s one of those people…the kind that’s all chipper at 6 AM!)  Then, after her cutting lesson, she was off.

There may have been a few words uttered.  But I’m not telling!

By the time she left, she had lots of pieces cut, and 4 or 5 blocks finished.  She can now call herself a quilter after just 7 hours. I’m thinking she’s already showing signs of becoming addicted!

Did I remember to take any pictures?  Of course not!!!

This is what I worked on.

And these!

Thirteen blocks down.  29 to go!

There has also been progress on Maplewing.  I just started chart C.  I’ve also decided that trying to photograph lace is a hopeless task.  It just looks like a bumpy mess.  I’ll show you the photo anyway.

I wish you could feel it.  It’s Woolen Rabbit’s Whisper merino.  It’s heaven!

I really need to finish this, because Anne just published this new pattern and I want to start it now!

I’m off to make spaghetti for dinner.  The best part…everyone loves it.  There will be no complaining this evening!

Tonight I’m going to pound out some more rows of Maplewing.  I may even try sleeping for more than 4 or 5 hours.  I’m losing brain cells at an alarming rate!

Author: mariajhmom

I'm a wife, mom, quilter, knitter, and spinner. I blog at

3 thoughts on “Guess What?

  1. Love your Oz blocks…can’t wait to see the quilt!

  2. Beautiful blocks – such JUICY color!!!! I am also working a Hanson pattern – I always turn to her when I need inspiration. LOVE the maplewing! Where did the OZ pattern originate?

  3. Hi, Just a quick question about your Maplewing. Well, not specifically about the Maplewing, but about shawls in general. Do you wear your shawls? I love to knit them,and I love how they look, but I just don’t wear them. I’m going to have to make more of an effort to wear them this spring and summer. P.S. I wish we lived closer together. I would love a quilting lesson from you.

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